Digital learning to foster safer environments for children

With a range of relevant examples and exercises, we produced a digital training accessible to all of Sweden's associations that want to increase the safety for children within their organization.

Client: Rädda Barnen/Save the Children
Goal: Create an e-learning aimed to increase awareness of children's safety in club activities and related work areas
Target groups: Teachers, sports coaches and other leaders working with children in Sweden
My tasks: content production
Year: 2022

The challenge and solution

Our goal with this project was to equip leaders with skills and tools to create a safe and supportive club environment for children. Our goal was to equip leaders with tools to create safer environments for children in various club activities. I contributed to designing an intuitive, engaging e-learning experience with gamification elements, where users collected traits on a "leadership card" as they progressed through the training. I also contributed to the visual design which emphasized diversity and inclusion to resonate with a wide range of users, while supporting easy navigation and pedagogical flow.

Throughout the chapters, the user encounters a variety of scenarios, exercises and questions to reflect upon their own leadership methods.

To resonate with as many as possible, the scenarios are designed with summarized data collected from leaders and the issues that they face in their work, and illustrated with a diverse range of semi-abstract characters.

Key process highlights

I made sure that information flows and visual hierarchy fostered intuitive user flows and supported pedagogical learning. This included designing interactivity in exercises and scenarios as well as producing visual content.

For Rädda Barnen, diversity is crucial, which brought extra attention to making an inclusive representation of people throughout the scenarios as well as the rest of the training. This was made in collaboration with an external illustrator.

Here you can read more about the training and have a look at it yourself.


The world of gaming can bring a lot of inspiration to other fields of design – and very much to education. This project is an example of how strong the tool of storytelling is to engage users in a task. Throgh this project, I have learned about the relationship between pedagogy and play, which can create effective learning if balanced well.

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