Worldwide learning academy for sustainable food production

For Orkla Foods, we created a comprehensive platform launched to all of their employees world wide to learn about sustanability in the food production industry.

Client: Orkla Foods
Goal: Create a platform to certify employees in a sustainability learning program
Target group: All Orkla employees worldwide
My tasks: Project management, UX/UI design, content production
Year: 2022

The challenge and solution

This project was all about creating a streamlined learning experience through a huge amount of learning material. This 20h long training consists of 42 web based modules including a variety of interactive exercises, videos, quizzes, and a learning management system dashboard from which they are accessed. I was responsible for ensuring that the platform was not only user-friendly and visually cohesive but also deeply engaging, delivering a clear and impactful learning experience that aligned with Orkla's sustainability goals.

Key process highlights

The LMS dashboard design was initially created by an external visual communicator. I reviewed it and ensured improvements in information architecture, interactive elements, and overall usability to enhance the user experience.

I developed a design system for all modules in Articulate Rise by compiling pre-styled blocks into reusable templates. This automation greatly reduced production and review time while ensuring adherence to the strict design guidelines. By assigning codenames to each Rise block, scriptwriters could specify layouts in the scripts, which further streamlined the process.

To keep track of corrections, ensuring all information blocks were in place and styled correctly, I set up a "status and quality check" document for the team to keep track of changes, review rounds, updates, to do's and delivery statuses. We also wrote custom CSS for the modules to override Articulate Rise's default styling since we otherwise wouldn't be able to meet all brand guidelines.

From here, we built each module iteratively by adding the pre-designed blocks and filled them with the correct information.


Working with Orkla was a great exercise in managing complex, large scale projects while balancing various responsibilities in design and project management. By adopting a structured and organizational approach to the design practise rather than creative, we found effective methods to produce a great amount of training material in a short amount of time.

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